Employment at NBG
We are always on the lookout for Reliable, Energetic People
To learn more about us, browse our website, where you can learn about our philosophy, programs, and teams.
To apply, please click on the NBG Employment Application, download and fill it out, and submit it by email. You can also stop by the office for an application or submit your resume via email to info@newberngymnastics.com
New Bern Gymnastics requires 3 reference letters. Please see below for more information.
Three or More Character References Required
As an applicant for employment at New Bern Gymnastics, it is your responsibility to supply three or more written character references which must be on file before the hiring process can be completed.
Seek your references from the following:
Former/ Current Supervisors
Teachers/ School Administrators/Coaches
Community/Business Leaders
People for whom you baby-sit
Friends, family*
Please deliver references to New Bern Gymnastics in person or by mail or email:
435 Garner Rd New Bern, NC 28562